Monday, April 16, 2018

Progress across the board

So, I read a lot during the weekend -- finished up Dimberly's Battle of the Atlantic and thus was able to finally start Chernow's bio of Grant.  So far so good, but as I am only 50 pages in... funny; my Mom couldn't believe I would haul a 900 page book to the gym, as did a couple of other people... I would think a hefty tome is the best thing to tote around for exercise, but....that could be me.

Reached 643 on the film list; I had received a compilation of African-American films from the library, which had a couple of them on the list...the Solomon Sir Jones films and the Commandment Baptist Church film... I watched some of the others, mainly because they looked interesting; also, let's face it, it is good to remember that even back then, people were opposed to racism...  unrelatedly but coincidentally, "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" arrived from Netflix, so... I liked it, in the Matt sense...lot of comedy of situation, and, I think the film did subtly point out that deep down, all of us are bigots in some way.'

I think this could work, but does anyone (aside from the Californians) think that they can pull it off?  As in most things the left does, I think they will be beaten and proclaim it a victory, and leave it at that.


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