Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Shiver the timbers

More amusement today as Tom Hamilton was discussing how the cold weather is affecting the Tribe's bats, followed by the 8-5 Pirates (yes, Pirates!) win over the Cubs and then how the Red Sox put a 4-spot on the board in the tropical paradise of Yankee Stadium.  Yes, the cold is certainly suppressing offense everywhere.....

Reading this article (which I liked), I kept thinking of the last chapter of The Proud Tower, where Tuchman discusses the death of Jaures, the French Socialist who believed that a national uprising of the workers would prevent a big war...and of course, it didn't.  I am not sure that things are as dire as they say, but I did like the part about politicians using trade deals to do what needs to be done when the voters say you cannot...

Remember when all of the GOPers were clamoring for closed primaries?  Yeah, me neither.  :)  I don't know; I suspect some of these people are converts, others are Operation Chaos types, and the rest.. won't be voting.


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