Thursday, April 05, 2018


So...up to 640 on the film list.  639 was -- as many as possible -- the collection of films from Solomon Sir Jones, a look at African-American life in 1920s Oklahoma.  As you can imagine, I loved this one, these little vignettes that come through the years (even if of course it referenced the fact that racism was so intense that an entire populace had to create their own towns).  History is meant to be learned and...well, to be re-learned when we do it again, sadly.  Anyways, 640 was "Tarzan and His Mate."  I sort of liked it... interesting things I noticed:
1) Johnny Weissmuller didn't really act; just looked good, did heroic things, and said 23 words.
2) The female lead, there was a scandal about a scene; basically, the Hayes Code people went back and forth as to whether or not she was nude.  If she wasn't...
3) It's a 1934 flick, so, it's horribly racist, but...
4) There was also...well, in addition to a point about plundering resources...well, this could be a modern one, but I felt the whole point of the Tarzan character was to... well, point out the danger of NOT respecting cultures and traditions.

Anyways, film progress is always good!

This surprised me; not that it's wrong, it's not, but you always hear liberals going off about this and while yes, nuclear waste is is carbon free.  Course, as I say, you never seen any liberals who want to sit in the dark all the time...


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