Monday, April 09, 2018


More amusement from the Tribe today, namely, Francona mentioning that in this weather, teams can't score a lot of runs. Ok, maybe not our team, but other teams certainly are.  I mean, really.  I am not quite sure why we can't admit that for whatever silly reason, the Tribe starts slow... at least they were able to get two runs -- two frickin' runs -- for Kluber and get the W.  To be sure, playing against the Central division... well, you should.  Of course, if it means skipping Josh Tomlin -- why on earth he needs more rest after one start -- I think people will hold their complaints.

I don't know, but nothing would amuse me more than a big ol' backlash to the push by women to take control of the narrative led by men; I mean, I think it would work if you can get them to polling places; and it would be helped by the fact that every facet of criticism would only drive more men to the polls and provide ammo.  Not saying it will happen, but men do get hosed in a lot of ways, and if enough white men think so...

I think this is exactly right... and it is very American, if nothing else.


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