Tuesday, May 08, 2018

The downward spiral

Well, that was a thrilling Tribe game.  Wasn't the best start by Kluber, but... not getting any in the first was the key, and the shitty defense... well, at least the bullpen -- and I mean you, Zach -- didn't implode, which deprived me of a meme I wanted to do at work.  Alas.

Up to 652 on the film list... I watched "This is Cinerama" on kanopy; not really a film per se, just a bunch of vignettes on a special camera/screen so everything looks... wider, if a bit different.  Interesting, in that it was a technology that didn't take.  The other, "To Sleep in Anger," I am not sure how it made the list... ok, it was all African-American cast, and the tale was such... but it was a little slow and not all that interesting besides... I have a few more on Netflix, and some others I can find, but we are going to hit the limit...


This could be me, but I do not think this is a bad thing... the Church isn't supposed to be for or against one party; it's above politics, and it is our own sinful ways that make it part of one over the other.  Playing it straight, while taking fire from both sides... isn't exactly a sign of being wrong.




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