Sunday, February 09, 2020


Well, that was a Duke game to remember, wasn't it?  I thought they were cooked multiple times, and lo and behold...well, even I was impressed.
I get a kick out of this; I mean, I realize they're Democrats, but are they really that stupid that they vote for a person not knowing that they are...married to a same-sex partner?  Of course, my answer is that they are Democrats, and yes they are that stupid, so...
Interesting... not sure I agree with all of this, of course, but...
As you can imagine, I loved this!

This weekend I really didn't have anything to do, aside from the usual stuff, so on the one hand, I feel a little listless... on the other, I was able to get ALL of the shit done that I wanted to do.  Ok, most, but I was able to catch up on stuff I had to read, put off, links... and that was pretty nice.

I had told my coworkers that I could see 6 GOP senators voting for impeachment, and... well, I wasn't a fan of that decision. For all of the talk of Dems being stupid, this doesn't exactly help us in the moral and ethical department, does it now?


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