Friday, May 22, 2020

Progress across the board

So, Wednesday I went to bed early and last night I watched -- for the first time ever -- "Sleeping Beauty." (A couple of friends of mine found this to be incredulous, even for me.) Anyways -- this brings me to 728 on the NFR -- I liked it... the music was interesting, the plot sort of... nice, and I now I know where the Maleficent character comes from. I think I've mentioned I didn't do a lot of kid stuff as a kid -- I have definitely seen more Disney movies as an adult than not --so there is something I am missing, I am sure. 

It was funny, because during a text session with one of the friends, it was apparent that he didn't realize that back in the day, movies were a lot shorter... I had to explain to him (uisng films with an Entre-Acte, like Lawrence of Arabia) people spent whole nights at the theater (it was air-conditioned) and thus you could see two films, a cartoon, a newsreel, a was all nerd-dom for me but he was genuinely fascinated by this concept... I really knocked his socks when I explained that there was a break between films because not only did people go to the bathroom, but... they (the projectionist) had to change the film reel.
Yes, pretty much.  To be sure, it's still early, but... I think I read somewhere that Florida was 27th in the nation for COVID-19 deaths, and given the state's older population... well, that should count for something.  No one on this blog is that stupid to think that Andrew (or Chris) Cuomo will be called to the carpet for their failings...

In other news, I finally started Chernow's Hamilton today; I got it for Xmas, but for a number of reasons, I never started it until now... it is 700 plus pages, and the type is small, but it is engrossing, and very interesting, so the fact that I am 100 pages in, and only at 1778, is to me a good sign. The prospect of a long weekend with minimal things to do implies to me that there will be a lot of page turning...


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