Sunday, May 03, 2020

Unintentional comedy

So, our parish had its first even online Mass today, and I just watched it (in addition to my usual Sunday visit; our Polish community does not practice social distancing, if you get my drift).  And... I liked it (duh)... I am not sure that everyone will -- our camera people broke away from the action, if you will, to show shots of the parish interior and the side altars. Most of the other Masses I have seen don't do this... I can see both ways of course. For me... given my inability to pay attention to anything for more than 12 seconds, I was reminded of my own days (youthful and not) when I would wander with my eyes around the the approach appealed to me, if you will.
This is why I love Clay Travis...

It was (and is) really nice out... I ended up walking up and down the driveway and reading for a bit to get some sun and some exercise.  I really enjoyed it, which led me to believe I should be doing it some more...

The book I was reading was Rob Neyer's Power Ball, which covers all nine innings of a game between the Astros and the A's in 2017. As you can imagine -- knowing what we know now -- some of the book was unintentionally comic, such as the Astros' ability to put runs on the board while avoiding strikeouts, or any references to various front office strategy.  That said, the book was interesting -- mainly Neyer riffing about various points of interest to the baseball world, and in a world without baseball... I'll take it.


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