Saturday, April 25, 2020

Fooling you

I know what you are thinking, that I was going back to the bad old days of noo blogging.  Well, proved you wrong!  Ha! Nah, the past two nights I have been trying to go to bed early -- not sleeping well -- and thus trying to catch up on sleep.  Work has been busy, even at home, and I am trying to read. 

Friday I took off to do some food pantry stuff -- got some masks, rah -- and pre-packed some bags for today... which was busy but not so much as usual this month...  I think we were all a little surprised by that, in all honestly... not that we didn't serve a lot of people, but...  the other thing was we all agreed that in some ways the new method of operation -- no clients inside, just here is your food -- is... easier?  I mean, the volunteers have to work harder packing bags and running them up front, but on the other hand... you don't deal with the clients, which can be a chore, sort of -- no one asking for extra food, pulling crap, telling tall tales (if you will), and in general being a royal pain.  It might not be physically exhausting but it does cause you to sigh. 

I went to get the mail and realized I forgot to weed-whack...oops.


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