Monday, April 06, 2020


So....this is a thing (that I missed):

I don't know...maybe this is true, but I will admit that I think the man is criminally underrated when it comes to coaching:

So, yesterday, at church (despite the fact that there is no Mass, as the Mass Nazi, I still show up) I was reading the Mass, including the some of you  may know, it was Palm Sunday yesterday, and thus there was the Passion of Our Lord, taken from the Gospel of Matthew.  And you know what... the "good thief" isn't in there!  Rather, it talked about the revolutionaries who were crucified with him (the Romans really couldn't pass up an opportunity to kill a bunch at once, could they?) and how they mocked him.  I got a kick out of this, because the other Gospels mention the Good Thief, so... someone felt the need to add him in; it makes better copy, if you will, and it certainly provides an example of the possibilities of redemption and salvation, even in extremis

Speaking of...
You know, I think they are right.... there has been too much of this, especially now, as Holy Week is now upon us and it hardly feels like Holy Week.....


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