Saturday, March 21, 2020

Making Up For Lost Posts

I wouldn't say that I am bored, but it is a little...trying, if you will, to be able to catch up on all the stuff I normally don't have time to do.  Right now the magazine pile is slowly falling away, some accumulated emails are dropping, and some articles I have linked are being read and deleted.  This is good!  And, I went out and found some TP today, so it was a double plus.  I am, of course, still opposed to this shelter-in-place nonsense we are all in, but... we survive.  It's funny; one of my coworkers made the point that he is always used to drinking coffee ready-made, and now he has to go through the motions of making it each time he wants some, and it is incredibly...taxing?

In the meantime, I did note that the Tribe made a series of roster moves, none of which really surprised me; Daniel Johnson went down, to save his service time, while Yu Chang was sent down, as Arroyo doesn't have any options.  I for one would like to see what he can do; I get the feeling he is stretched at SS, and there is not exactly a lot of ABS for backup INFs on the roster, but if he can hit... I wonder how long of a leash Hernandez will have, or, for that matter, when Lindor gets traded.

I got a kick out of how the sports channels are running horse racing -- where it is still going on -- to fill the time and of course we in Ohio shut them down. I don't know; it's not essential, but it also doesn't require that many people to pull off, and 1) if people are betting online, the state is going to gettings its share, and 2) it would be a good opportunity to get people looking at the sport, and maybe liking it?


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