Wednesday, April 01, 2020


It's funny; well, sort of; everyone is worried (in their own way) about whether or not we'll have enough of everything at the food pantry this weekend.  I mean, I guess I am too, but on the other hand... we;ll give out what we have and if we are short of produce/meat/milk, well... we'll survive. I mean, people will get something, more than they came with, and I would like to think that people will figure out that 1) We have we have and 2)Everyone is in the same boat, so...

In the meantime, I am super busy at work, and I decided to start cleaning my house as part of spring, not that it really feels like -- it's a new month, and Easter is upon us, but with all of the COVID-19 stuff, it seems that things, for better or worse (mainly worse), are in a holding pattern.

That said... could a song like "Stacy's Mom" get airplay nowadays?  I wonder...
It's funny, sort of... one of my coworkers suggeted a national rent strike, and I told him I thought that could sort of work, the problem is that the landlords -- many of whom have mortgages and such -- couldn;t do it, because then they would be foreclosed on, and if youthink... the bank was going to pull a George Bailey (vomit that I made the reference)... well, I would take the under on that one.  Everyone got a kick out of that, but I think it holds, or, at the very least, this is something that can't be resolved at the federal level; states and localities -- this federalism thing is pretty wonderfuk -- have to enact stuff that doesn' upend their own laws.
What?? This is a thing?  I guess I am a loner, but...learn to cope?


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