Sunday, April 12, 2020


First, Happy Easter everyone!  It is my favorite holiday, and even if the usual events -- Mass in a full church, with the sunlight streaming through the stained glass windows, me bitching about the people in the parking lot/pew, family brunch, eating lamb cake til I puke -- did not happen, it is still a special day all the same. It does look as if it has been trying to rain all day, and I think -- per the weather report -- it will succeed.

In the meantime, our sacristan reported that drive-by basket blessing was a success -- 160 cars or so -- and I certainly enjoyed it.  The parish was well-decorated, and in some ways, it was nice, as there was no one, or very few there, to enjoy it... to be sure, the Mass Nazi is there promptly at opening, but... it was nice to have the place to one's self, if you will.

Yesterday I decided to troll around and watch a movie on the National Film Registry list... sure enough, thanx to the wonders of Youtube I located "Leave Her to Heaven," a 2018 inductee from 1945... it was an interesting film -- let's just say I am not going on any dates soon -- and while it took a while to get going, it was certainly an interesting and psychologically complex plot.  This puts me to 719 of the NFR.  Good Friday I watched "Gandhi" and I liked that too -- I can't say with great certainly as to its veracity, but I think the film accurately portrayed the spirit of the man and the times, such as his sadness over the Partition and the violence the accompanied it...


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