Friday, May 08, 2020

A Double Event

Bet you thought I was going back to the bad old days of weekly blogging... well, not quite.  Tuesday and yesterday I crashed -- not exactly sleeping well -- and Wednesday I stayed to watch a movie... it was funny.  Through the wonders of Netflix, "Zoot Suit" arrived -- 724 -- and I watched that, and it was... not quite my cup of tea/words cannot describe the awesome. Then, while channel surfing, I saw that "Daughter of Shanghai" would be on TCM at 11, and I had to watch it, as I couldn't find it anywhere else -- library, Netflix, etc.  And... it was interestingly good (if short); Asian male and female leads, a plot -- the smuggling of illegal aliens -- which is relevant today, and a plausible enough plot path.  So... 725!  Rah!
Like it or not, I think this is going to be the new normal for the President -- Tara Reade notwithstanding -- but it must be said that the man is better on the attack than on defense, so maybe this will help...  I think it will take a bit more, hence the need to re-open the economy.  I don;t know... I am more and more on the side of the re-open question, mainly because the economic damage is so severe.  Mind you, I am not of the opinion that restaurants and bars will reopen quickly, or fully, but a start now would be a good thing for many reasons.

Oddly, I have yet to watch a KBO game... no real reason, just I keep forgetting it is on now.  Matt Williams, of all people, is managing a team there, so I will be rooting for them, and hoping that Jonathan Papelbon decides to make a comeback as well...


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