Thursday, May 14, 2020

Costs & Benefits

No, I am not going to back to irregular blogging, and I was not watching classic films or NFR members.  The last two nights I simply went to bed early, for better or worse.  OK, better; there are times one just needs rest.  Also, I was getting the OC budget together, which takes time... I do have access to our accounts, which is good, but this also meant that for two months I didn't, so there was a backlog.  Alas.
I think this is exactly right, and this is why I am sympathetic to people like Larry Householder; some states, and parts of states, do not need the same level of response as others.  People who are older or who have pre-existing conditions are indeed more at risk, but the much-maligned spring breakers might have correct (or at last less misguided) that for them, corona what?  I mean, mind you, I am wearing my mask and social distancing, and staying home as much as possible, but at the end of the day...
Of course, this gives me an excuse to recall this:
Never mind that his opponent was...this guy.
Meth...male escorts...bodily fluids in hotel rooms.  Yep, sounds like a Democrat to me...
One of my college roommates sent me this... his dad asked what I thought of it, and... well, I agree!  I mean, I don't think that courts shitting on intent will go away, and I think that yes, museums should spend more on art.  Of course, now... can they?  I mean, in this day and age, how many people will rush -- en masse -- to see latest collection of Van Hoots?  I highly doubt the Re-Open protesters are the CMA crowd, if you get my drift...


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