Tuesday, October 27, 2020


 Finished the book on inequality yesterday; it was funny, because at the end he discussed how of all the things that could cause a leveling, he thought it would be a global pandemic.  But you know, it's not the case.  Indeed, it has been the reverse, or at least our reaction to it has been.  Government has been sending people money, which has helped, but a lot of people can work from home.  If anything, it;s the people on the bottom rng of the ladder who are most affected, working at the grocery store/fast-food place/customer service location. People in those jobs have gotten the short end of the spear, at least this time...

So, I went to lay down for a bit while writing this at about 11; I nodded off, which may or may not have been an accident.  At about 12 or so, I woke up with an incredible charley horse; left leg, above the knee... oh my God, I thought I was going to die.  I literally couldn't move; I grabbed my leg, held on as I could... the pain, the cramping, the thirst, the deep breaths... it took an entire hour to get to a point where I could walk again and put some pressure on the leg.  I nodded off again, finally, and now, an hour later, I wake up with low blood sugar...oi, oi, oi.


Well, duh! I am fascinated by the idea of a truck with no bed, just a cab, literally... I am not sure that will work, at least for most truck buyers...


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