Sunday, September 27, 2020


 So, I broke my glasses last night/this morning... I had a charley horse (upper left thing, like the last one) and in the brouhaha I almost fell out of bed, upended the laptop, saved the laptop, and I guess stepped on the spectacles (which I put on the laptop before going to bed).  Oops.  To be sure, they were old and more than ready for replacement, but... so off I go tomorrow to the optician for a new pair.  Alas.  I am not driving at night, I think, until they are replaced; I can see fairly well, but a little blurry far off, so I will be careful.

Then, this morning, I heard on the radio that the "Dizzy Up The Girl" album was released 22 years ago today.  I remember buying that CD in the record store in Delaware... in short, I feel like a hilarious old person.

In the meantime, I can console myself with the Amy Comey Barrett nomination, or as I am now calling her, Awesome ACB.  I think the process will be a slog, but I am sure some Dem will overstep on her Catholicism; it is a religion of rules and standards, to say nothing of morals and ethics, and, well, I can see that some things are simply beyond some peoples' earthly comprehension.  :)

A couple of days ago I watched "Gaslight," the murder mystery with Boyer and Bergmann (putting me to 736 on the NFR); I liked it, though I had to admit, as a feminist, I could not believe that a woman would be so weak and fragile to fall for a guy and then his constant whittling away at her mental state...


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