Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Catching up

 So, Monday I woke up at 10 AM... yes, that was late for me. I went to bed at 12, woke up at 6 to use the bathroom, figured I could sleep another hour...woke up then.  Oops.  It affected the whole day, as my biorhythms were off, and it was a Monday but not a work day, nor did I have the usual caffeine.. today I woke up at 7, instead of my usual 6... oi. Gotta get up at the normal time tomorrow --  busy AM ahead of me -- and this sleeping in business simply has to stop.


Interesting, I thought.

So, I watched "The Greatest Showman" this weekend.  I liked it, but 1) I didn't know it was a musical and 2) its message of tolerance, diversity, and inclusion, while nice... has not one iota of evidence in being in the 1850s or so when Barnum was around, so...yeah. I also watched -- thanx to TCM -- "Monterey Pop," crossing another one of the NFR.  It was the concert video for the Monterey Pop music festival, the precursor to Woodstock. The movie was a lot shorter than "Woodstock," which was...most appreciated, if you get my drift.


I thought this was interesting, especially the comments, such as #21; I think they are correct in stating that 1) teams tend to make moves that are rational to them, if not the average fan and 2) It's not terribly fair to judge a trade that doesn;t work out... of course, the way our front office operates...


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