Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Behold the awesome

 I have to admit, I was late to following the Jerry Falwell Jr. story -- I was swamped at work today and thus could only piece the story together.  But, now that I have, it's fucking awesome, in every sense of the words!  Adultery; hell, he was (supposedly) watching the guy bang his wife.  Jerry Sr. must be spinning in his grave now, for one; for another, how on earth did this make the guy ineligible to serve in Trump's cabinet?  I guess he didn't want to, but considering what we know about POTUS... well, I can't think of any ethical breach that could be considered to be beyond the pale..


I don't know...this seems a bit harsh?  For one thing, the Tribe has a lot of good starters, so I can see how he would be lost. For another, 10 Ks is a lot but not that much nowadays. Also, I would think that given the season, a lot of teams are going to be using yhoung guys, for a bunch of reasons, from making the playofs to believing that it is better for them to season with the big league instead of playing 800 intrasquad games. I agree it should get more PR, but I also don't think it is racially motivated...


Yes, this is...pretty much correct, and we are now paying the price for this, economically... I don't necessarily condemn people for coming up with this, it is just that no one thought to consider the alternative, which was that we would not contain the virus nor fix the economy, and now are just in limbo, in so many ways...


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