Wednesday, August 12, 2020


Well, that was.. interesting.  And, dare I say, familiar?  I don't know, I drive by a lot of the places they showed on the video every week, if not more.. as for solutions... well, this could be me, but if Jane Campbell advocated a program, it's prolly a good notion that it was a shitty one, and we should do the opposite.  Just saying.'

I got a kick out of this article, not because it was wrong, but I used to tell a certain ex-fiancee of mine stuff like this all the time; the fact of the matter is that while in some ways the makeup of the parties have changed, the actual machinery of thought, if you will, has not.  I think the average Hope and Changer is too stupid to figure this out, but would also commit seppuku if they did.  Well, not really, given the whole too dumb part. But you get my drift.

Perish the thought!

For a bunch of reasons, I hit the gym late tonight, about 10 -- and it was probably too late. I did do a leg as my blood sugar was inexplicably high, and that knocks me out more than usual, but I am feeling it now, and will probably do so tomorrow...


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