Friday, July 31, 2020

Clearing the Decks

Funny; today was clean out the stray paper piles day.  I literally put 30 different things -- old receipts, musings, notes, etc., into the recycle box.  It does look a little cleaner here (I have been doing some cleaning elsewhere in the house as well), so this is not a bad thing.  It was just odd that I went and did it today...

I've been on podcasting hiatus, as I have been listening to a bunch of work ones, and thus have not felt like listening to other things.  Clearing the ears, if you will.  I think I will return to my roots next week, though, as I need to clean some bookmarks out of the display.

So, I didn't realize that the $600 supplement is weekly... my own thought is that it is... rather generous?  I mean, I think there is a difference between those who are completely unemployed getting schloads of cash, and those on, say, partial furlough. I have no problem with shoveling money at restaurant servers, cooks, and other people whose careers have literally evaporated in a few months; like it or not, we have to spend to keep the economy moving, or at least not sputtering more. On the other hand... $2400 a month for people who are working (a lot!) seems... excessive?  I am not doubting the value of the stimulus there, but I just wonder about the social justice of the whole thing.

This is an old one, but it has been getting some looks again with the UFO news and such.  I found it highly interesting.


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