Sunday, July 26, 2020


I think I tweaked my shoulder (the one that is tweaked already) yesterday at the OC -- carrying too many bags, trying to get the people moved along -- and while it's not incapacitating, I did skip the gym today to give it a rest... with leg day tomorrow, that should be enough to try and get it back to normal.  Oi.  I wouldn't say it was that bad, but...

So, I stopped at CVS to get something for Mom, and I couldn't help but notice two things... one, they still had a sign (the one I hit) advertising one-hour film development...this amused me to no end; I mean, who does that nowadays? I realize it's now making prints and books and stuff, but...  this quaint reminder was a kick.  Course, considering I have a pile of actual photos I want to put into an album (once I find one), I guess I shouldn't mock it too much...  the other thing was man, their prices are high... I realize it's convenience and all, but... it's not like there is anywhere in this country where there is a lack of places to buy food.  Or booze; this one had a liquor section, too.  

On the other hand, maybe I need to get out and shop more.  Hell, I hit the mall yesterday...

Was it me, or was yesterday's Tribe loss both expected and frustrating?  I guess it is the difference between Matheny and a "young" team -- getting the bunt down, getting the runner in -- and Francona's trust in his guys, even if it wasn't, well, placed?  I don't know; getting two chances to bunt a runner (runners!) over, and having one attempt during the whole sequence...  just frustrating, and given the every game is literally 1.3% of the season....


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