Monday, July 06, 2020

Catching Up

So...the end of Fourth of July weekend.  It's funny; I am not feeling particularly restful now, and on the one hand I didn't do much... but on the other, I did.  Handled all the lawn care, cleaned the shower and the fridge, finished the boo, started a new one, caught up on magazines, went to a friend's birthday... rah.  And back to the grind...  I guess it was ok; I mean, showering in a clean shower is nice.  Looking at the grass grow again, less so.  I also began listening to some podcasts about the late Roman Empire/Fall of Rome, so that goal of mine -- cleaning out the bookmarks of the laptop -- will also be achieved.  I hope.

Well, if the Boston Herald can say it, so can anyone else... 

I am not surprised by the latest hubbub about changing the name of the Indians... I don't think they should, of course, but I can see how they would want to... I am not sure what they would do for a name... Spiders is a bit ridiculous, as is the Tribe... I just wonder why they don't find some tribe that is not offended, and, like FSU, pay them off.. and say that's that.  It is a bit mercenary but it also has the advantage of being...highly practical.


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