Saturday, June 20, 2020

Saturday musings

Today at the gym I felt that I was almost back to where I was back beforethe pandemic...maybe yesterday, too.  Just saying... I was able to lift where I usually lifted, did the weights and treadmill/stationary bike I wanted... that sort of thing.  And it is good.

As I am fond of saying here... I think this is true, but I also don't think that President Trump can make such a speech...

Interesting... I mean, I think we all knew this, but I don't recall something that spells it out so well, especially the part about the Second Amendment... no one ever seems to mention that, but maybe they should...

In other news, the books I ordered from the library have not arrived, which is bad, as I have read 6 of the 7 books I bought for free a while ago...  I have some time -- the last one is a chunky volume but on the other hand.  I could read some stuff I have read before, or I could spend my own money on books.. not that I am opposed to more additions to the economy, but 1) I am cheap and 2) it really calls to mind that I need more bookcases, to say nothing of the fact that I could probably use a book reorganization as well... not that I don't have the time, but I could spend it on something else..


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