Thursday, June 04, 2020

Social Commentary

Since everyone is commenting about social unrest, I guess I will as well...

Cops: Please stop killing minorities for trivial reasons.  This is not hard.  No one would have said a word if someone had put a knee into Ariel Castro, for instance.

Protestors:  Peaceful protest is fine.  Looting is not.  This is not hard.  You are erasing the message you are trying to send and replacing it with something far worse.

Anyways, I found this article, and the commentary, to be both trenchant and timely:

In the meantime, I watched "A Beautiful Mind" last night.  Did I like it? Not really...I mean, I thought the acting was impressive, but the story and the plot... I guess I do not do mental illness all the well.

Not only is the library, but you can order books (and movies) as well, so I figured I would... I need to return the ones I have ordered and now that I am trying to read more, it is probably good to get back into the habit...

The ants seem to be bad this year; every springish I get them in waves until I kill them or they go away... I have liberally applied cornstarch, and it seems to have helped, but they are now coming singly, instead of waves... sigh.


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