Sunday, June 14, 2020

Corpus Christi

So, today was the parish Corpus Christi procession... I was a little leery of joining in -- the pandemic, the Polish community does not exactly practice social distancing, etc., -- but I did and I was sort of glad. We didn't process around the neighborhood (the parish grounds) but all four altars were up (the one at St. Rocco's statue was a nice touch) and they were all nicely done.  Given the shortage of volunteers, I was asked to help carry the canopy... on the one hand it is an honor, on the other... well, it's fairly...nervewracking?  It's a lot of work, and with the wind, keeping everything just right was... phew.  But I survived.  Attendance was a bit off, but otherwise nice...

I think this is largely right... unless they were shooting across the bow of Manfred and team -- and winning the PR war for next year -- I am not sure that they gained all that much; hell, the idea put forth -- the one about the stars saying that we will play due to the special circumstances -- was actually pretty brilliant, in my book; you would have had even more goodwill, not that I believe in that sort of thing all that much.   But now...we get to watch 80 games played by uninterested professionals.  Of course, it is baseball, so I will watch...


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