Saturday, June 13, 2020

Democrat (sort of) Saturday

So, busy day today -- met a friend for coffee, cut the grass, did a spot of cleaning in the garage, a podcast about Negro League baseball, listened to hit the gym, did some errands, planned some for tomorrow, and did some other related to my favorite hobby, if you get my drift.  It was funny... got out of the gym and everything smelled so good... the Chipotle, the pizza place nearby... I of course went home and had a bowl of cheerios with a banana, mainly because those looked so good when I was shopping Friday.  I plan on making tuna steaks for dinner, so this will be an incredibly healthy day.  One hopes.  I also note that being off duty from the food pantry -- while I miss it some -- is not the worst thing in the world.  

I see the Juneteenth speech is off. This is prolly good, given even my doubts as to how the man can pull it off, besides poorly, of course.

In the meantime, I have very little to do the rest of the day, and this is good -- the Netflix movie came in, there are a few things to watch online....hell, even the prospect of the attempt at seven or eight hours of sleep... not sayng this will happen, and there are a few intellectual things I could be doing, but I think I know at this point I probably will not...


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