Friday, June 12, 2020

Friday Night Links

So, my alma mater is running a series of lectures related to COVID-19, and I am listening/watching on Yourube.  Mostly, they are pretty informative, but the yoga one... well, one, I can't believe that they have a staffer teaching this, and two...I haven't heard anything that would remotely be described as... stress-relieving, if you get my drift.

For all the jokes about the Tribe drafting every SS available... one thing I did read -- which I hadn't thought of and is completely true -- is that most of the guys will not be SS over the long term; if anything, it is because they are athletic enough to be SSs that they can play anywhere else, provided the bat sticks.  

This is hilarious, and I think -- in the interest of social justice, of cours -- that GOPers and others need to start confronting liberals about this.  I mean, everything is offensive to someone, so... if they really believe in this , they need to start now.
This is probably wise, given that he has nothing else to lose...more seriously, if you think Joe is a blitering idiot way past his prime... you need to define him as such.

Snicker, snicker.
Oh, I don't know... part of the issue that the guidance itself has changed -- no masks but gloves, then masks, don't go out and avoid crowds, no go out with 10,000 and jam yourselves together... I guess it's sort of like nutrition science; twenty years ago it was fat, fat, fat, and now it is all carbs... without exactly cutting down of the stridency of the earlier and now spurious argument...


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