Friday, July 03, 2020

Morning Musings

So, last night I fell asleep early, and in consequence, I woke up promptly at 5:30....anyways, this gives me a quiet opportunity to blog and to consider the fact that all of the yardwork I had planned to do before the long and ideally idle weekend came about... I did not do.  Oi.  I've also come to the conclusion -- I've been listening to a lot of podcasts for work -- that I need to start listening to the ones I have been saving here.  Knowing how I am about planning to do things...

I get a kick out of things like this... one, it would be funny as hell if Tucker started trolling his boycotters.  Hell, Foxnews could do it, and it would be even better if, say, 600,000 of the people who watch him did the same.  I do not often watch him but I don't dislike him, and I think he is right a lot more than he is wrong.  In some ways I think he, and not Trump, reflects the "silent plurality"

I think this is more true than not, mainly because of the fact that Trump is who he is, and I am not sure he can appeal to anyone as something new nowadays... Now, I am not he couldn't repackage himself -- I think he is the type of guy who can benefit from "Gee, in the past I was wrong about this, or maybe I said shit I didn't think through fully" but we all know that's not happening.   I am not saying we need Tucker's rhetorical brilliance, but I do think a spot of "I love my country, and we need to fix X, but Z is NOT the way to go" would be a yuge help.

Methink he protests doth too much, but one can hope.

In other news... the fact that Rob Manfred now said that he had no intention of playing more than 60 games... my original point about sacking him for not having the best interest of the game seems more relevant more than ever...


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