Sunday, June 28, 2020

Catching Up

Here am I trying not to backslide into old habits, though I have a good reason...namely, my Mom had a mild stroke yesterday...she is in the hospital now and is...stable?  Right now, not much they can do but get her back to normal.  There is speech issue, mental impairment, paralysis, that sort of thing... so we are lucky and blessed or both.  In the meantime, may we all live in interesting times...

In other news, I was the Eucharistic Minister at Mass today... Fr. Joe had it and asked for one, so I came running up (afterwards, I told him that if he has Mass, I will be his to-go-guy).  There were two minor changes... one, I ostentatiously hand-sanitized before distributing the Hosts, and two, there was no going to the pews to take Communion to those who can't walk (they aren't at Mass, anyways).  Other than that... it was good to be back in the swing of things.

Some of these I have heard of it, most not, but as you can imagine... I intend to start checking them out...  I also noted that all of the libraries will be open soon and the book-order backlog that I've created for myself will be solved. Not that I mind reading old favorites again  -- I found myself reading "Silver Blaze" last week -- but much like I change the radio 300 times a day...

Food pantry duty yesterday, and it was...very quiet.  Not that many clients, no issues, and it was wonderful. One change now is that while the clothing room is not open, we've put a bunch of garments on racks and moved them outside, and people, if they want, can get out of their cars and search through them.  Some of the people on the Board are not fans -- and I am not really a fan -- but 1) we keep getting clothes and will be out of storage space and 2) we are being safe about it -- in addition to safety gear, once we are done we put the racks in the room and they sit for a week (if it takes 3 days for the COVID virus to die), so they are fine...It does have a flea market approach but we are getitng rid of clothes, so I can more than live with this.


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