Saturday, July 25, 2020


Today was...interesting.  OC duty today -- a little busier than usual; which was good.  Completely ran out of produce (not that we had a lot) and gave away a lot of clothes. For all the work we do in trying to be safe... it's pretty how many people get out of cars, run around without masks, etc.; I am beginning to think that we should mandate masks if you are going to look through the clothes.  Considering our clients, though, I don't think it would make any difference.

So, yesterday was Opening Day!  And it was... good?  Fine?  Bieber was en fuego, if you will.  It was good to see Danny Duffy back in the bigs (one hates to see careers derailed by injury).  Cimber looked a little shaky against the lefties; this may work against the Royals, but I think he will be limited in October. I was a little surprised we didn't see Karinchak, but...

I made an Aldi run today and just as I was going lens popped out of my frame.  Oi.  So, off I went to South Park to Lenscrafters to get them fixed (Screw had to be secured; I prolly need a new frame,  but...).  While there, I meandered about the mall... no samples in the food court, which hurt.  Most stores were open -- PacSun, was not, sadly.  H&M was, but didn't that much that appealed to me.  Food court was 50/50, while the upstairs pretzel place was closed, which meant a long line in the remaining two... so  no delicious pretzel for me.  Very few people did not wear masks, and while people maintained distancing in line, not sure they did it elsewhere (not that I would; how the hell do you maintain discuss among...some people, if you get my drift). It seemed like the place was pretty full -- I parked far -- so that is a good sign, economically...


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