Thursday, July 09, 2020

Change Is In The Air

Yes, I took a break reason in particular.  As always, my plans to retire early were foiled by low sugar... for some odd reason, I could not get it to rise, and it was after 1 before I could sleep, following by waking up at 7.  Today, of course, it is running high, for no reason in particular, though the irony is delicious...

I think this change -- and that of many others -- is going to play havoc with the Group of 5, who rely on these games to fund (in part) their own operations.  So not only is that money out the window, but they -- if they can and want to field a team --will have to pay through the nose to do so; I know what we are spending on cleaning supplies and such at the food pantry, so I can only imagine the cost for running a 100 player football team.

There was an article on CNN, I believe, that said we were looking at a blue wave, and I think that is more likely than not...  I mean, given all else that is going on, I think the evidence -- while not conclusive -- is the way to bet...

So, at the gym today, they had signs up saying that all visitors HAD to wear masks, and it seemed that about half of the people there had them.  This is a change, as there are times when I am the only one there in a mask.

This is hilarious, and I think this is an excellent idea...

Sad news about Naya Rivera, but my first thought is...there is no accident here, if you get my drift...


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