Sunday, August 09, 2020

Excitement and entertainment

 So, not only is there a new season of Endeavour tonight -- new TV, imagine that -- but a friend of mine is hosting a watch party, which, even in this time of coronavirus, I will waste no time in attending... excitement is building here, I can assure you.  I am not quite the sure new series follows in line with the novels; hard to imagine Morse a man of that much action, in all honesty, but I rather like the plot twists all the same...

I, of course, think this is hilarious, and I completely agree.. mind you, I have never really been a fan of her works, so it's not like I will ever miss not reading her again, but...  I made a comment yesterday to a friend of mine that will have the fate of another Catholic, Roger Taney.  Of course, he had no idea about what I was speaking, so between that and being excited about Endeavour... well, it's a wonder why I am still single after all these years.

I went to weedwhack today and only did part of it, as I forgot to charge the battery and it ran out.  Oops.  I am not putting this down to old age -- I remembered but figured I could get two cuts out of the battery but I do not exactly feel that much smarter for thinking this way...Anyways, I should probably wrap up this post to complete the job; either that or start ordering the concrete pour down there...


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