Thursday, August 06, 2020

Random Thoughts

 Well, it's a shame that the Tribe made all the roster moves today, otherwise, those guys could have gotten into today's game.. in the meantime, Delino made his devut, which is...meh?  I am not sure he will help the offense, and to put the scuffling Mercado in LF... at least the rotation continues to shine.  The Reds have to be slightly concerned, given that they -- like the Tribe -- had a pretention of contention, albeit via their offense, and the Tribe has handcuffed them.

I had never heard of this; fascinating... that and the plan to use British Lancasters to drop the bombs if we didn't develop the B-29 in time.  I was reading a similar article -- can't find the link -- that noted that the RAF had a plan to commit 500 bombers -- from Burma -- to the air war on Japan, but for a bunch of reasons (namely, we didn't want them), they were not used. I guess I find this... odd?  Much as the UK Pacific Fleet offered us some challenges (fewer planes per carrier, no fast carrier doctrine) but also some assistance (i.e., their armored carrier decks were much less susceptible to damage by kamikazes)...I wonder why their offer wasn't accepted... again, special arrangements would have been made, but on the other hand... certainly the RAF had experience in firebombing cities, and much like round-the-clock bombing wore down Germany, I doubt it would have been less successful in doing so to Japan.  And it would have cost less than what was offered to the USSR...

This is clearly sexism and those who accost Karens should be canceled, especially given my superior feminist credentials...

I always get a kick out of articles like this, because lots of things that have been invented fairly recently (say, gay marriages, for instance) quickly become invested with majesty, if you will, even if that was never the intent... To use my example, if the GOP decides that Judeo-Christian values have been stamped on the nation since its founding (and there is certainly plenty of evidence for it), I see no reason why it, too, cannot be sacrosanct...


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