Saturday, August 15, 2020


 So, the normally scheduled co-manager is in the hospital -- kidney stones -- so once more into the breach I was summoned... oi.  Ok, its not too bad, and it is good to be helpful and useful, and it is sort of good exercise.  One does move a bit, and I think that toting around boxes and bags are nice for the arms and the upper body.  Crowds were a bit low, but that does happen; people are asking for school supplies, and some seem surprised when we tell them we don't have them.  It was amusing; people still don't wear wasks, and some of the volunteers made what could be considered Matt-like comments about how nice peoples' cars were and how they all have money for cigarettes.

Last night I broke my favorite (and large) Scooby mug... just dropped it into the sink, barely a height of a foot.  Oops.  Aside from some slivers, it was broken into two, so I think I will truck to the hardware store tomorrow and see if I can get the epoxy to repair it.  If not...sadness will ensue.

I was surprised by the decision to send down Clevinger and me, the idea is to win games, and I would think it is harder to do so by sending them away for a spell, even if the schedule is such that we technically don't need them. I made the comment to one friend that if they wanted to play check and mate, the two would say that they were uncomfortable with the team/MLB protocols, and go home (the saying of screw you guys in the Cartmanesque voice being completely optional). Now, I am not sure they could -- maybe they are sorry, maybe they want to play, maybe they don't have fat stacks in the bank -- but it would be funny as hell if they did...


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