Thursday, August 13, 2020

Success Across the Board

 Is it me, or are two of President Awesome's foreign policy triumphs being...underreported?  The Israel-UAE deal, while not yuge, is certainly an achieviement, and there is also this -- coming from the President who is a tool of Moscow:

I don't know... one big difference is that Tea Party is/was political -- concerned about spending and big government; I view QAnon as cultural and thus harder to "solve." I am certainly of the Hofstader school in believing that paranoia has always been a part of our life, but I also suspeect that its influences are vastly exaggerated...

I am not sure that this is cringeworthy, but this is amusing?  I don't know; I suspect one thing -- aside from the whole agreeing to do something and then not doing it part -- that rankles people is that athletes are paid shitloads of money (and are subject to intense scrutiny), so Joe Sixpack is of the opinion that if he made shitloads of money, he could easily follow the rules... but I think most athletes -- in the words of Bill Parcells -- are the ones you stop the bus for, and thus rules are petty things to be ignored.

Funny, I have to go to the library tomorrow to print something out, and I want to finish a book to return it... not that I need to, of course, but I hate to have lose ends lying about...


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