Sunday, August 30, 2020


 So, I watched "Out of Africa" today; more correctly, I finished it... I thought it was...ok? Very long, for one, and the pace was slow.  I did like the scenery and the camera shots, of course, and I suspect people would be screaming about the portrayal of the Africans, so I should be glad I saw it before it was cancelled.

Two things here.  One, I am not surprised.  Two...more what?  I guess this is me, but D&D is the players' game, and if they decide to keep orcs as horrible, rotten be it?  I mean, I know of people who ran campaigns around a variation of this; basically, the orcs.hobgoblins/gnolls would be evil but like the British in India or the Star Wars Empire; nasty critters but those who had some rules and order (and who occasionally were better than the PCs).  The challenge, of course, was for the players to wrap their heads around this concept...

So, I another blister forming on my left hand, same spot where I had one before, that I popped in a glorious rush of pus and blood.  This one is more pus and less blood, and hurting a bit and annoying.  I know of course I should do nothing with me, but I think we all know that I eventually will go and pop the thing, consequences be damned...


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