Wednesday, September 23, 2020


 Well, the last two nights have certainly been fun, haven't they?  Even I have been...impressed?  Surprised?  I don't know, making the participation trophy playoffs is probably fine, having an outside chance to win the division is better, and realizing that the team has 5 hitters and an OF with an OPS of .600 or something is...well, sobering.  At least they get to set the rotation up just so, and see what happens. But the lack of offense is frustrating; even Perez has regressed, Naquin is scuffling, Delino is hitting better than expected (not exactly high), and let's not discuss Mercado; I think we expected a regression, but this is...ridiculous?

I got an email from the Tribe today -- only mobile entry for the games. I guess I see it, from a safety perspective and all, but, as one who always had a printed ticket... as I like to say, what is someone throws a no-hitter?  How would anyone know you are there (ok, the 8,000 pics on your phone), but you get what I am saying.. it is a tangible memory..

I don't buy it, or at least not until after the election.  If Trump wins, you can get rid of the whole bill, and Lord knows what will happen (really).  If Biden wins, do you really think they will throw out the whole bill and risk something along the lines of socialized medicine? (Roberts will be blamed either way, to be sure.) I think they just sever what they can and let the chips fall where they may; in some ways it would be easier, as any fix the Dems make will cost  more/be unpopular and you'll see 2010 again.


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