Monday, September 28, 2020

Taxing Times

 Tomorrow (aka tonight) is going to be quite the day...first, Mom gets out of the home.  This is largely good, though everyone is a tad apprehensive as to how things will go.  Then, of course, we have the debate AND the playoff game at the same time!  Thank God I can pitch-track on the mobile phone while listening to the debate. 

Where, I am sure, taxes will be discussed.  I don't know... to be sure, golf and casinos have not been good businesses for a decade, so I can see how they are money losers, and we all know that any accountant can turn profits into losses.  On the other hand... you'd think the guy, if he knew he was running for President, would have at least...covered his tracks?  Paid a bunch of taxes anyways?  I think this is the lost promise of the Trump Presidency...the man campaigned on being an outsider and that he could fix things... at any point, he could have said "This is how rich guys like me game the system, and I want to end it now, no matter what it costs me" and people would have gone apeshit over that.  Instead, he acted like...anyone else would have.

Oh, I don't know...maybe both sides are right?  We do make bad food choices and sit on our butts too much; hell, I even took tonight off from the evening stroll (not that a charley horse played a role in that one). On that note, I weighed in at 172 at the gym today... I think I have been eating well, but if I could sleep some for a few days...well, it would be a big bump in my performance.

I watched "Girlfriends" today, putting me to on 737 of the NFR, and I think I am at the end of the search -- the low-lying fruit has been picked, and the rest are -- like Tantalus -- beyond reach.  Alas. As for the was ok. just didn;t exactly identify with it and in consequence, it was meh.


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