Monday, March 08, 2021

The return

 So, I went away this weekend for a wedding; it was largely fun, but I was in the wedding, so there was a lot of stuff to do, you know, like responsibilities and taking shit back to the rental place and all.  Got in late so today I simply chilled, burning one of my 900 vacation days.  Caught up on some stuff -- bought a swiffer so I could sweep the floor, went through the paper pile, went through some of the 800 links and emails that pile up, yadda.  I also hit the grocery store and stocked up on healthy food (not that I have a lot of crap) but I decided that I can get the extra ten pounds off; the AM session at the gym today was extra hard in consequence, I can assure you.

So, we're getting stimulus checks, needed or not. Truth be told, I can take some classes with it or pay down some bills. so it is not technically true that I do not need it, but I can clearly survive without it.

I need to return to my film list -- it has been a while since I looked at it and crossed some off.  I mean, there are still some low-hanging fruit out there that I can get to if I so desired.  The others will be some work; funny, I have been trying to get some more reading done (that list will never go away) that I have been watching fewer films, and that can be... remedied.


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