Sunday, February 14, 2021


 So yesterday (Saturday) I decided -- not that I had anything else to do -- to cross another restaurant off the list, and headed off to Blue Habanero, up in Gordon Square.  It was... surprisingly crowded, for one. As to the food -- I had pork tacos, a mango margarita and tres leches cake. The cake was awesome, the tacos were decent -- the tomatillo sauce was too hot for me, and while I liked the food, it was...well, a bit overpriced?  I guess it falls in the good-not-great category.  Anyways, I decided to also hit Campbell's Sweet Factory for a cupcake (Buckeye was decent) and then decided -- why not -- to hit the West Side Market.  Couldn't get it at first, as they were enforcing a people limit.  This blew my mind, as when I went inside...well, let's say that there was not a shred of social distancing and such anywhere, and let's face it, nor did I expect it.  I guess this is what people hate about the pandemic, the health theater which seems pointless but achieves absolutely nothing.

Today I took on another task -- emptying and sorting the contents of the filing cabinet in the basement.  Sort of sad, actually; a lot of it I just recycled, but my Dad had went to the trouble of saving it for one reason or another.  One thing that did peeve me was the randomness; every receipt for 30 years of appliances and yard equipment was there, as was some nifty bits of family history -- I was texting a couple of aunts and cousins to see who these people were, for instance -- and stuff from my Dad's high school days... which was interesting to find.  The sad part is, of course, I would have liked to have known about this years ago and maybe gone over it with my Dad.  It is, of course, my fault for not going through this soober... which is also making me sad.  Anyways, I want to look over some things before sorting and filing it again (and not forgetting about it for 20 years).

These are two of my favorite movies, so I of course had to post these...


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