Friday, February 05, 2021

Boycotts four days since I last posted.  Oi. Wednesday I crashed early and yesterday I had a date, of all things... we met in Solon, and while she is quite liberal, she was fairly cute and smart (fully understood my Preston Brooks reference regarding the expulsion of the rep from GA) which is also a plus (even if, as a liberal, she is thus not that smart).  At the very least, I had dinner at Burntwood Tavern, which is pricey but good. The trip out to of my coworkers works in Walton Hills, I have to ask her where they shop... it's pretty remote, if you will; I mean, all the way down Alexander, then it becomes Pettibone, where you see all two blocks of downtown Glenwillow. and then  you get to Solon.  You do hit the Maple Heights/Twinsburg border but even then it's a bit,, well, you have to travel to get the trappings of civilization.  Picturesque in daytime, though.

I am NOT setting a clock tomorrow; no food pantry duty and I am quite overjoyed by the prospect of NOT being there.  I did some today -- we were approved for a grant to buy a new fridge, and our operations manager was like I had to print out and fill out the forms, run them to the pantry, and then she could mail them...  I was able to convert them to PDFs, auto-fill them, and turn them in for approval today.  I had to chuckle a bit, and told her she could go to the OC and hang, but... I mean, my Mom would have been flummoxed by this concept, and not so long ago, so would I.  My own fondness for paper copies and (yesterday) navigating to the restaurant is, in my own words, excessively quaint.

I would say the two are related in their own way?  The latter -- country singer comes out as gay -- I am willing to bet that if people like their music, they will continue to listen, like it or not; I mean, there's no accounting for taste.  The former -- Morgan Wallen  -- is the same thing, but I also wonder if people are also willing to accept that drunken rednecks do and say stupid things, and that the punishment is too much?

I guess what I would like to see is a counter-boycott by Wallen and other country fans...imagine if 80% of the downloads and album sales were only his.  Imagine if country radio listening dropped by a third or so and everyone called in to say they weren't listening again, or of the upcoming award shows were watched by... nobody?  What would the industry do then?


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