Sunday, January 31, 2021


 So, an interesting weekend  -- busy and good, mainly.  Another slow day at the OC Saturday... not sure why.  Stimulus checks affecting inelastic demand?  Someone noted that there are 11 or so places near us giving out food...which could be, but I wonder; people who go to one, go to others.  Anyways, we have plenty of stuff to give away.  More importantly, I am NOT in charge of the place for February, which is nice... my intention is to spend less time there this year -- I realize the pandemic affected things, but I can spend my Saturdays far more profitably, if you will, doing Mattstuff.

Watched "Losing Ground" a couple of days ago (753!); it's an African-American film about a married couple facing a mid-life/mid-marriage crisis.  It was....ok?  I mean, I liked it, but I really identify with it or the characters; that I cannot change.  I did appreciate the fact that it was largely a minorirt cast/directed film...

Continuing the basement clean; filled a garbage can and may do another, or at least cram everything into that one.  Odd; I didn't know half of this stuff was there, and in a lot of cases, it is a matter of "What do I do with all of this stuff?" now.  Some of it I will continue to pitch, some I will give away....the rest will probably go right back where it was...


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