Saturday, February 20, 2021


 Oi. So I ended up crashing -- hard -- at 11ish last night.  I woke up at 3 to shut the lights off and such, and then awoke at nearly nine, and I have been lazy the rest of the day -- not been to the gym yet, not gotten laundry together, etc.  Quite shameful; yes, I need the sleep, but... oi.

Went to St. Joseph's -- the Byzantine Catholic parish in Brecksville -- for their fish fry yesterday.  My parents used to like it for lunch, and it was...good not great?  I think you got enough food for the deal -- my potato was enormous -- but my fish was a little cold, and as I don't like that far from the place, it came out that way..  The side of shrimp I got was pretty decent, though, so overall it was a good choice.  I am going to hit a different parish every week (they need the help) and with Mom gone I can travel a bit more, if I am so inclined...albeit not at $2.60 a gallon.

Talk of blowback and such aside...I think he is exactly right.  They are a better team without him; some of this is SOS, of course, but some of it is...less fuckups.  That we cannot deny.

This sort of thing amuses and annoys me; I know they are Democrats, and thus don't know any better, but....this is a Republican state, and we do.  I don't why our Republican governor doesn't go on the air, say I'm mad as hell and I am not gonna take it anymore, and put someone in charge of an investigative unit (or better yet, the county), to go in and start...investigating.  The fact of the matter is, only subpeonas, arrests, shame, etc., will stop this, and let's not forget the fact that this is good politics, and as a wise man used to say...good politics is good policy.


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