Monday, May 24, 2021


 Hit the Tribe game Sunday... which was fun, aside from the loss.  More seriously, it WAS good to be back at the ballpark, even if I have the sunburn to prove it.  Yes, I am an adult, but I completely forgot about the concept of being outside for 4 hours.  Alas. Tonight's game was certainly exciting...too much so.  Given the struggles of the top men in the 'pen, who would have thought that Bryan Shaw would be the most reliable at this point in the season?  As for the offsense....well, it has scored 5, 5, and 6 runs the last three games...which is also surprising, if completely overlooked.

Today (Monday, I guess the day has passed) I took off and slept in (til 9), which was nice, given my general sleep habits.  I was able to put a double duty day at the gym, met a friend for lunch at Ohio City Burrito (it was fine, but Ohio City is sort of a parking-less craphole), did some reading, and did some work on the woodpile in the basement (not really enough, of course).  It was restful and productive enough, I guess; I mean, I did enough of the chores I was supposed to do to set myself up for the rest of the week, which works for me.

Watched "Bang the Drum Slowly" today.  Interesting film.  Baseball movie but not really; more a film about coming to grips with death (prematurely), both for the dying and those around them.  I liked the movie; certainly not a film to watch in a lighter mood but it was uplifting in its own way and right...


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