Tuesday, July 06, 2021

The graveyards of the past

 That Tribe game yesterday...well, all I can say is... good teams win those games, while bad teams (or at least non-playoff teams)... do not.  Oi.  Now, a double-header tomorrow...they could be under /500 by the ASG.  At least Plesac returns, and if his baby start goes well... well, it would provide some relief to the rotation, that is for sure.  That said, this season is...quickly down the shitter.  Alas.

So, everyone is shitting their pants over Afghanistan; well, maybe not Joe Biden, but... is it justified?  Well, yes, in a way; I mean, if things go poorly -- Taliban takes over, people get slaughtered, women get put back in burkhas (of course, no one is going to ask the Party of Women why they let this happen), this is a bad thing; not only for the USA, but in general.  Now, I think it is fair to say that if we weren't going to win the war, we should take the ball and go home, one way or the other... the problem is, as I like to say, that the alternatives, to quote my dad, are "worse and worser," and I think leaving is...worser.  I note the example of Germany in 1919 and 1945; the second time around, we decided that they could not be trusted with their own affairs, and if that meant keeping the Army there for an indeterminate period of time...expensive as it was, it was cheaper in the long run.  I do believe that that is the policy here; even a small and token force would remind everyone that we are still there...  In the meantime, I think the optics will be good for the GOP... to me, I would be running ads on the general...incompetence? For a guy around 60 years, this is something he should have seen coming...

I was thinking Sunday... I was listening to a bit to the oldies show on 88.9; not that I am a huge fan of the genre, I like Motown, and I always enjoy some of the songs from the 50s, when rock first started, and you had all these interesting things going on -- some of this was just hard country, some of this was Black music, and some of this was people doing something different, and even if it didn't last, it was new, and people liked it.  Anyways, few of the people who listened to it as teenagers are around, so in a few years it will be...well, not lost, but the fact of the matter is that no one will appreciate it for what it was.

But....that's not exactly new; is it?  Who listens to Big Band music anymore?  Tin Pan Alley?  Ragtime?  (The brief renaissance the genre experienced due to "The Sting" came and went, never mind the fact that the music was anachronistic for the 30s; two generations old, literally.)  That is the glory of pop music, in that it is fleeting, mostly, and something new comes along.  The sad part, of course, is that, in most cases, like an archaeological midden, what's past gone, appreciated by only a few who care enough to dig around.


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