Wednesday, June 16, 2021


 Well, that was an exciting and unexpected Tribe game.  Certainly one expected a low scoring affair with Civale on the mound, but we needed all of those runs -- homers, baserunning, triples a-plenty.  Using the top two relievers again today (thrice in a row) is a problem to me, especially as they were used yesterday to hold a five-run lead.  I don;t don't want them to break, and I would argue that the other arms in the pen are just effective enough to hold the Birds to...well, less than 4.  

I did get a kick out of watching the press go after Joe Biden for going off on them.  I can only wonder how the press secretary will circle back to that one.  Now, if a GOPer did this, it would be Defcon 4 with the press corps, but I think they will retreat into acquiescence in about three days (and I would take the under here).  Not that we are surprised...

Cleaning continued; dusted and wiped the basement, did half the floor til I ran out of swiffer fluid, so off the store tomorrow... I think I will finish it tomorrow and then to the upstairs on Friday (my plans that day were unexpectly cancelled, and I think the wise play is to apply some of this free and extra time to housework).

Finished the book on the great extinctions of Earth's thing I was amused was well, one of the causes of these things -- though they are not exactly sure how -- is that the Earth receives varying amounts of solar radiation over time. It is sort of but not really cyclical, and there are fluctuations, but the fact of the matter is we get more sun, if you will, at some times compared to others, and this affects the Earth in myriad ways.  Makes sense!  Then there was a graphic showing solar radiation for the past 15,000 years (about as far as they can measure).  Well, lo and behold...the Earth hasn't received this much solar radiation in about 2,500 years, and even is now very high.  I was like...hmm...maybe this is causing some role in global warming?  If so, how do we combat that?


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