Monday, June 14, 2021

Missing Links

 Not sure what happened, but I LOST a blog post! Grr.  Posted this AM but now it is gone.  I can, of course, make one anew... so here we go.

Busy weekend, and a sort-of early bedtime last nite (aside from getting up several times, which did not exactly help), so here we are... suckitude about the Tribe. I had previously said it is the difference between a good team and a great one (winning two versus going for the sweep); of course, with Bieber pitching hurt, it's something else.  In the meantime, we have now have one starter (at least he is a good one) and...not much else.  If Mejia or Quantrill ever had a time to step up, it would be now...

I am shocked, shocked by this; as I like to say, there are two sets of standards, one for them and one for everyone else, and we all know which ones are enforced far more rigidly...

Hard to believe this was ten years ago!  I think one thing I learned about at this time wasn't, of course, that Anthony Weiner was a slimeball (he is, but that is not quite relevant) but the fact that even when he was "caught" and the press was caught with him, they still defended him (and themselves); much like the shifting message on the pandemic, if it doesn't toe the party line (and we all know which party I am talking about) it just doesn't get air.

This blows my mind. I mean, the case that brought about the most contentious decision of its time (or ever), the Civil War, the Civil Rights Era...all of these things, and you just gloss it over?  Insane, even for them.

Today I started house cleaning...started in the basement by putting away ALL of the stuff that was broken up by the sump pump installers.  The shop is largely put together (sorted later) and I have a pile of trash in the can and a pile of stuff to donate.  Rah. I will vacuum and sweep down there tonight and that will only leave the bathroom down there, which should be good enough...


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