Thursday, May 27, 2021

Petty Annoyances

Good to see Shane Bieber pitch well today (yes, I know it was the Tigers, but still).  Similarly, what got into Tristan McKenzie? Five shutout innings, no "more woks than a Chinese restaurant?"  And it was good to see Quantrill get extended (3 IP counts for that nowadays) since I suspect we will be needing him to get more innings, one way or the other.

I don't know...poeple, for better or worse, are capable of measuring their own risk of the disease and are capable (mostly) of making their own decisions.  As time has gone on I have been more on the side of the "openers," given the economic losses and dislocations we have had in response. That said, nor am I one to judge those who do not want the vaccine -- even though I know this is now the main issue, getting enough people vaccinated so it doesn't  matter (as much).

It's a feature, not a bug, of the modern Democratic party!  More seriously...if Dems have been able to attack every GOPer as a racist and rapist-enabler due to Trump....wny on Earth are we not doing the same to them?  Turnabout is fair play, and it might just win some votes...

Looking forward to the weekend, and if I can do even half of the things I have planned -- some cleaning, reorganizing, sawing, that sort of thing -- it will be a raging success.  I have not sawed anything today or yesterday (other things to do!) and I am somewhat behind, though I could trek down there now....

Woke up late Wednesday --- grr -- and thus skipped the gym double.  Worked out hard both days but tomorrow I am doing a double even if it kills me.  I just feel the fatness, and I need to cut at least 5 pounds out of me ASAP...


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