Saturday, August 14, 2021


 Meant to post last night, but got in late, hanging with some friends, and then I decided to some adulting and head straight to bed,  Anyways, me and the boys were having adult conversation; couple of them noted yesterday's blog and post and brought this to my attention (which I had seen elsewhere and bookmarked):

I think this is awesome in many ways. For one, of course, you always the left running around and protesting, and it's good to see us do it; I am not fully sure of the cause (I am wearing my mask a bit more now out and about, though I don't think I need to) but the fact of the matter is that a lot of people don't think this is wise, and they have a right to be heard.  Second... as many people have told me, and I always say, if you want to be involved, it's best to be so on the inside, and if enough people run, they will get elected.

Of course, I think a lot of people on the left will have a problem with this, for a number of reasons (one, these sorts of jobs have always been their province; two, I bet they have an iron triangle of their own to protect), even though I think a bunch of these people will turn quisling once they are inside. But I suspect a lot of these people will go in there and make changes, and that is the point.  Many people in this country have a problem with public education -- and I am going that way -- and this is one time where you want to be the change you wish to see...

In other news, I went shopping yesterday, and man, fruit is expensive, as was milk and some of the other perishables.  As we all know, I do not see prices falling any time soon, and given the other expenses in my life right now, I was not exactly a happy camper...


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